Tools and Resources

On this page

PID Forums and Education

The Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman holds regular forums for Authorised Officers. For information about upcoming events or PID related inquiries contact our PID Team at or on 1300 362 072.


Notification forms

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act) requires agencies to notify the Ombudsman of the following:

  • an allocation or reallocation of a disclosure
  • a decision not to allocate a disclosure
  • a decision not to investigate a disclosure or not further investigate
  • an extension of time to investigate a public interest disclosure (PID)
  • a finalised investigation
  • a stop action direction issued by the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

Forms are provided to facilitate these notifications and requests:

For disclosures made before 1 July 2023.

For disclosures made on or after 1 July 2023

Email completed notification forms to


Commonwealth Ombudsman Reports

  • The Ombudsman’s report into an Own Motion Investigation into compliance with the PID Act by 4 Commonwealth agencies.
  • A full copy of the Ombudsman's 2021-22 Annual Report is available from our Publications page.


The Agency Guide to the PID Act explain the PID scheme, set out the obligations of agencies and suggest best practice for handling public interest disclosures.

Additional Commonwealth Ombudsman Guides and Resources for handling Public Interest Disclosures (Information will be published when available).

Information Sheets and FAQs

Please note the content in this section is under construction following recent amendments to the PID Act. Information will be published when available.

PID e-learning

The PID e-learning module will teach you about what a PID is, how you can make one, the protections that are available to disclosers and the process of a PID investigation.

If your agency would like to use the PID e-learning module as a part of your educational tools, we suggest you talk to your LMS administrator to ensure the correct publishing standard of the module is selected for downloading.

PID Logo

Government agencies, Commonwealth companies and public authorities are encouraged to use the universal, easily identifiable PID icon as a link on their internal and external websites to facilitate agencies' PID policies and procedures. The graphics are available in various formats for download:

PID Posters

Please note the content in this section is under construction following recent amendments to the PID Act. Information will be published when available.