Working with people with disability

This includes programs that are specifically for people with disability including:

We also take complaints about mainstream Australian Government programs that are delivered to or for people with disability. Some of the most common complaints to our office are about Centrelink payments, child supportMedicareAustralia Post and immigration.

Making complaints to agencies

If you think an Australian Government agency has been unfair or has done something wrong, we usually ask you to make a complaint to the agency before you contact our office. There are two main reasons why this is important:

  • it lets the agency know you’re not happy
  • agencies can fix most problems quickly and simply, but our investigations can take more time.

We know that some people don’t like to make complaints. There are lots of reasons, including:

  • feeling scared
  • feeling unsure about how to explain the problem
  • feeling like there’s no point making a complaint because it won’t change anything.

Agencies are expected to have good complaints systems. They should also give you information about how to make a complaint if you tell their staff you’re unhappy.