Private Postal Operator Register

The PIO is able to investigate complaints about the postal operators listed below. Australia Post is a mandatory member of the Postal Industry Ombudsman scheme. Other operators may voluntarily register.

Register of Private Postal Operators – Current (as at 8 August 2018)
NameTrading namesABNDate of registrationDate of deregistration*Contact details
Australian Postal Corporation (includes StarTrack)Australia Post; StarTrack288649705796/10/2006 GPO Box 9911
13 POST (13 76 78) from within Australia
+61 3 8847 9045 from overseas

* Under section 19ZC(2)(b) of the Ombudsman Act 1976 (Cth), the Postal Industry Ombudsman must remove the PPO from the Register of PPOs 12 months after the deregistration date.