Ombudsman to investigate the administration of the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits scheme

Today, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Michael Manthorpe, has announced he has commenced an own motion investigation into the administration of an aspect of the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits (DFRDB) scheme. This investigation follows a request made in April 2019 by the Minister for Defence Personnel, the Hon Darren Chester MP.

The investigation will focus on the accuracy of information provided by scheme administrators and relevant departments to scheme members with regard to commutation, and if any errors of administration are identified, what steps should be taken to remedy those errors.

“As a result of complaints to my Office and our engagement with the ex-service community, I have become aware there is a concern among some members of the DFRDB scheme about the issue of commutation. For this reason, I agreed to the Minister’s request and have decided to investigate the issue under the own motion power of the Ombudsman Act 1976,” Mr Manthorpe said.

More information about the investigation, including how scheme members will have the opportunity to provide information to inform the investigation, is available at