Services Australia
We consider complaints about Australian Government agencies including– Services Australia.
We are independent, impartial and our service is free.
It is important that you read the information below before you make a complaint.
What we do:
- We can investigate complaints about Services Australia.
- We consider all complaints but not all complaints proceed to an investigation.
- We will always contact you in response to your complaint and give you reasons for our decisions.
- We may suggest other options available to you.
- We can make suggestions and recommendations to Services Australia about a better way of doing things.
What we cannot do:
- We cannot advocate for you or give you legal or similar advice.
- We cannot direct Services Australia to take action or change a decision.
If you want Services Australia to change a decision, you can ask them to review the decision that was originally made. Timeframes may apply depending on the type of review you are seeking.
Almost all decisions can be reviewed, for example, if Services Australia:
- says you owe a debt
- rejects your claim
- reduces, suspends or cancels your payment
- makes a Child Support decision you disagree with.
If you still disagree with a decision by Services Australia after it has been reviewed, you may be able to ask the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to review the decision. Timeframes may apply depending on the type of review you are seeking
Before you complain to us
You should try to resolve the complaint with Services Australia before you contact us. This is usually the fastest way to resolve a complaint. We suggest contacting Services Australia online, but you can also contact Services Australia by phone, in writing or in person.
Allow Services Australia 10 business days to respond to your complaint. If you are not satisfied with Services Australia’s response to your complaint, you can contact us.
How to make a complaint to us
Contact us if you are not satisfied with Services Australia’s response to your complaint. To contact us:
- Submit our online complaint form (preferred)
- Call us on 1300 362 072
- Contact us through the National Relay Service.
- If you are a non-English speaking person, we can help through the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450.
See our Contact Us page for other ways to make a complaint to us.
This diagram explains what happens when you complain to us.